Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's time to purge!

So this week in an effort to start my organizational journey I have done well. I cleaned off the kids bookshelves consolidating them into a new bigger one. Took the smaller bookshelf and put it in the kitchen to put some of my stockpile on. Threw out 4 bags of toys that were broken or missing pieces, and have one outdoor trash bag full of toys to sell and or donate. I also found almost a full trash bag full of clothes that are too small for the kids that is ready to sell/donate.

I'd say we are well on our way!

The hard part is letting go of it all. The baby toys the memories. SOOO I have decided to take pictures of some of the kids stuff that has some sentimental value to it. I will print them and put them in their baby books. That way I have my something to hold too, but am not lugging around every piece of clothing and plastic they ever owned.

It's been a busy week! More cleaning out and purging to come! In the next few week I'm gonna open the closets! That is a scary thought! lol

Happy Organizing!


Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 a New year!

It's 2011 and I am embarking on a new crazy adventure! I am going to organize and de-clutter this house! Not only is there 2 adults and 4 children but our little zoo as well! We have 2 dogs (12 year old Border Collie and a 3 year old Lab/rottweiler mix), an 8 year old cat, a turtle, a gecko, and a ferret!

I am a sentimental mom! I want to keep every paper from school, every piece of baby clothes, and every toy that my children have "loved" even if they are broken it doesn't matter! My obsession with holding on to their infant, toddler, preschool and now school aged years is filling my home with CLUTTER!! It is not good for my ADHD children to live in a home that is unorganized and cluttered. So as I break my obsession with holding on, I will make my children healthier and happier! A great side-effect in my opinion.

SO this blog is going to hold me accountable. I will be updating my progress, and releasing my tears as I go through, donate or throw away my children's old belongings. Hopefully taking ownership of my house back! The clutter will not own this house (or me) by the end of 2011!!

Any and all advice is appreciated! Organization is not my strong suite, so this will be a trial and error kinda year!

If you have any organizational products you would like for me to review please let me know! I am looking for new ideas and structures.